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BY international Patent & Trademark Firm will take care of trademark registration to China.

Please call us for inquiries+81-3-3527-9704


We will support your trademark registration to China.

BY only asks you the management fee.

Cost reduction Point1

Management fee for trademark registration to China by BY

Fixed to 50,000 JPY (exclusive of tax)

For taking a procedure on the trademark registration to China, general rate structure is:

Fee for domestic firm + Revenue stamp for China trademark office + Fee for agent in China

The fee for domestic office includes "basic fee + classification additional fee." As a result, it costs about 100,000 yen only for the fee for domestic office.

In BY International Patent & Trademark Firm, we can set price more reasonably by the tie-up with the patent office in China, and use of the trademark management system.


BY does not ask you classification additional fee.

Even if you add multiple classes for trademark registration to China, BY does not ask you classification additional fee and it has simple fee structure of only the management fee.

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BY International Patent & Trademark Firm

Suite 804, LXS Muromachi,
1-10-10 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-0022 Japan